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How to play the minesweeper game?

How to play the minesweeper game?

by Zuzu Green - Number of replies: 1

Before you is the initial field, its size depends on the difficulty level.

Using the random method, we open the first fields, and then the fun begins!

The numbers in Minesweeper are our clues, they tell us how many mines are located and where. For example, a cell with the number 1 tells us that there is only 1 mine around it, above, below, left, right and diagonally. A cell with the number 2 tells us that there are two mines around it, the number 3 means that there are 3 mines around the cell, and so on.

Look at all the numbers revealed to us and determine where the mines may be located. If a two means there are two mines around, a three means three mines and so on until we mark all the mines and open all the free cells.

Now you can surprise your friends and acquaintances who still don’t know what these mysterious numbers and flags are, enjoy.


Start playing from the easiest level “Beginner”, on this difficulty there are no mines in the corners.

Be careful! One wrong click and you lose.

In reply to Zuzu Green

Re: How to play the minesweeper game?

by James Franko -

This is really useful information for everyone who decided to try their skills and logical capabilities in the minesweeper game for the first time. In my turn, I want to share with you a site with a detailed explanation of what is minesweeper. This logic and mathematics game has been exciting the minds of many players for many years and now you have the opportunity to play online for free.