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Kindly answer the question in the box mentioned below:

1.     Which type of application is MS Excel?

a)    presentation

b)    spread sheet

c)     word processor

d)    database management


2.      The intersection point of row and column in Excel is known as ...

a)    cell

b)    area

c)     range

d)    sheet


3.      In Excel, the active cell address will be displayed at ...

a)    title bar

b)    name box

c)     button bar

d)    formula bar


4.      The basic arrangement for a spread sheet is ...

a)    Row

b)    Cell

c)     Grid

d)    Column


5.      MS Excel is based on ...

a)    DOS

b)    UNIX

c)     LINUX



6.     What is the purpose of the ‘Name box’ in MS Excel?

a)    Displays the active cell’s address

b)    Displays the active cell’s row number

c)     Displays the active spread sheet’s name

d)    Displays the active cell’s column address


7.      In Excel, an individual file is referred to as ...

a)    Workbook

b)    document

c)     work sheet

d)    spread sheet


8.     How many work sheets are there in a workbook by default?

a)    1

b)    3

c)     5

d)    7


9.      In Excel, column address is referred by ...

a)    number

b)    alphabets

c)     alphanumeric

d)    special characters


10.   In Excel, row is referred by ...

a)    Number

b)    Alphabets

c)     Alphanumeric

d)    special characters


11.  Which shortcut key is used to select the whole sheet?

a)    Ctrl+A

b)    Ctrl+C

c)     Ctrl+R

d)    Ctrl+W


12.   In Excel, collection of two or more cells is called ...

a)    Row

b)    Range

c)     column

d)    workbook