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Please answer the question correctly in the box mentioned below:

1.   What is the least count of a metric micrometer?

A.  0.01 mm

B.  0.10 mm

C.  0.001 mm

D.  0.0001 mm


2.   Which part ensures uniform pressure on the measuring faces in micrometer?

A.  Barrel

B.  Spindle

C.  Thimble

D.  Ratchet stop


3.   The graduations are marked on the beveled surface of a part in the micrometer. What is the name of this part?

A.  Anvil

B.  Barrel

C.  Spindle

D.  Thimble


4.   Which is the fixed measuring face of a micrometer?

A.  Anvil

B.  Barrel

C.  Spindle

D.  Thimble


5.   What type of instrument is used to measure the diameter of cam shaft journals?

A.  Depth gauge

B.  Height gauge

C.  Inside micrometer

D.  Outside micrometer


6.   Which is the measuring instrument used to measure diameter of a cam lobe accurately?

A.  Inside caliper

B.  Engineer’s scale

C.  Inside micrometer

D.  Outside micrometer

7.   The smallest possible measurement that can be taken using the outside micrometer is....

A.  0.01 mm

B.  0.02 mm

C.  0.001 mm

D.  0.002 mm


8.   A ratchet stop is provided to the spindle of outside micrometer in order to prevent a possible excess....

A.  load

B.  weight

C.  pressure

D.  measurements


9.   Datum line and the graduations are marked on micrometer on...

A.  anvil

B.  barrel

C.  spindle

D.  thimble


10.     Why ratchet stop is provided to the spindle of a outside micrometer?

A.  Provide comfort to finger

B.  Provide excess pressure

C.  Prevent excess pressure

D.  Pleasant sound from ratchet