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Kindly answer the question in the box mentioned below:

1.     A range A1:H10 refers ...

a)    A1 and H10 cells only

b)    all cells except A1 and H10

c)    all cells includes from A1 and H10

d)    all cells excludes from A1 and H10


2.     A smallest range in Excel is ...

a)    ROW

b)    CELL

c)     SHEET

d)    COLUMN


3.     In Excel the whole sheet can be selected by clicking at the ‘select all’ button located at ...

a)    top left corner

b)    top right corner

c)     bottom left corner

d)    bottom right corner


4.     The content of the active cell will be displayed in ...

a)    title bar

b)    task bar

c)     menu bar

d)    formula bar


5.     The contents in the cells are known as ...

a)    title

b)    data

c)     menu

d)    status


6.     Which command is used to close the Excel application?

a)    Save

b)    Close

c)     Exit excel

d)    Exit options


7.      In which ribbon, font group appears?

a)    Data

b)    Home

c)     Insert

d)    Formula


12.  In which group merge and Centre button appears?

a)    Font

b)    Editing

c)     Clipboard

d)    Alignment