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Kindly answer the question in the box mentioned below

1. What shortcut key is used to open print window?

A Alt+P

B Ctrl+P

C Ctrl+N

D Ctrl+W


2.What is the use of Ctrl+P?

A To open find box

B To open task pane

C To open print window

D To open new document


3. What is the shortcut key used to create hanging indent?

A Ctrl+I

B Ctrl+T

C Ctrl+H

D Ctrl+G


4. What happens when Ctrl+T is pressed?

A Creates tab

B Creates table

C Creates document

D Creates hanging indent


5. What is the purpose of Ctrl+V?

A Cut  

B Move

C Copy  

D Paste


6. What is the shortcut key for pasting the cut/copied text?

A Ctrl+X

B Ctrl+P

C Ctrl+C

D Ctrl+V


7. What is the use of Ctrl+X?

A Change the case

B Exit the document

C Cut the selected text

D Create the document


8. How do you cut the selected text?

A Ctrl+X

B Ctrl+T

C Ctrl+C

D Ctrl+Y


9. Name the shortcut key to redo the previous action?

A Ctrl+X

B Ctrl+T

C Ctrl+Y

D Ctrl+R


10. When Ctrl+Y is pressed, what happens?

A Undo the action

B Reset the action

C Delete the action

D Redo the action