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Kindly answer the questions in the box mentioned below:

1. Microsoft office is developed by ...

A apple infotech

B microsoft publisher

C microsoft corporation

D oracle development corporation


2. Microsoft office is an ...

A hardware

B system software

C operating system

D application software


3. Which one of the following is a word processor?

A MS word

B MS excel

C MS access

D MS office publisher


4. At present the most popular word processing software is ...

A Writer

B Word star

C Word perfect

D Microsoft word


5. Which button is similar to the file menu in MS word 2003?

A Start button

B Office button

C Mouse button

D Windows button


6. In MS word, the familiar and repeated function tools can be kept in ...

A title bar

B task bar

C scroll bar

D quick access toolbar

7. Which bar shows the name of the currently active document in MS word?

A Title bar

B Task bar

C Menu bar

D Status bar


8. The line below the title bar is ...

A menu bar

B status bar

C vertical scroll bar

D horizontal scroll bar


9. Vertical scroll bar is used to move the document ...

A left

B right

C left and right

D up and down


10. In MS word, which is used to switch the view mode of the active document?

A Layout view

B Zoom option

C Close button

D Maximize button