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Kindly answer the questions in the box mentioned below:

1. What command is used with vi editor to replace text from cursor to right


B s


D r


2. What sign is used to back up over typing errors in vi?

A !

B $

C #

D @


3. What sign is used to erase or kill an entire line you have typed and start you are on a new line (but not display a new prompt)?

A !  

B $

C #

D @


4. What command is used with vi editor to save file and remain in the editing mode?

A x

B q!

C :w

D :q


5. What command is used with vi editor to moves the cursor one character to the right ?

A x

B l

C :w

D :q


6. What command is used with vi editor to moves the cursor one character to the left ?

A h

B l

C :w

D :q

7. What command is used with vi editor to moves the cursor one line up ?

A h

B l

C k

D j


8. What command is used to activates text insert mode, inserting text immediately under current position of the cursor?

A h

B i

C k

D j


9. What command is used to deletes the character immediately under the cursor?

A cw

B dw

C dd

D cb


10. What command is used to switches text insert mode, insertion of text immediately to the right of the cursor?

A a

B i

C k

D j