Kindly answer the questions correctly in the box mentioned below:
1. Which tool used to measure the piston ring end gap?
A Steel rule
B Micrometer
C Feeler gauge
D Vernier scale
2. How many leaves containing the ignition feeler gauge?
A 10 leaves
B 12 leaves
C 15 leaves
D 25 leaves
3. How many leaves containing the standard feeler gauge?
A 10
B 12
C 15
D 25
4. What is minimum range of Indian Standard feeler gauge?
A 0.01
B 0.02
C 0.03
D 0.04
5. How many sets of Indian Standard feeler gauge established
A 2
B 4
C 6
D 8
6. What is the use of feeler gauge?
A To check the ovality
B To check the clearance
C To check the thickness
D To check the tapperness