Choose the correct answer and write the answer in the box mentioned below:
1. What is the base unit of length as per SI unit?
A. Metre
B. Millimetre
C. Centimetre
D. Micrometre
2. How many millimetres are in 1 metre?
A. 10 mm
B. 100 mm
C. 1000 mm
D. 10000 mm
3. How many centimetres are in 10 mm?
A. 1 centimetre
B. 2 centimetre
C. 3 centimetre
D. 4 centimetre
4. How many micrometres are in 1 millimetre?
A. 10 micrometre
B. 100 micrometre
C. 1000 micrometre
D. 10000 micrometre
5. Which metal is used to make steel rule?
A. Tool steel
B. Stainless steel
C. High speed steel
D. High carbon steel
6. What is the accuracy of steel rule in British system?
A. 1inch
B. 1/64 inch
C. 1/32 inch
D. 1/2 inch
7. What is the use of Narrow steel rule?
A. Measure the height of job
B. Measure the outside diametre
C. Measure the thickness of job
D. Measure the depth of key ways
9. What is the width of Narrow steel rule?
A. 3 mm
B. 4 mm
C. 6 mm
D. 5 mm
10. What is the thickness of Narrow steel rule?
A. 1 mm
B. 2 mm
C. 3 mm
D. 4 mm