Choose the correct answer and write it in the box mentioned below:
1. What is the benefit of 5S?
A. Increase in wage
B. Decrease in productivity
C. Increase in productivity
D. Increase in maintenance cost
2. What SEIRI stands for in the 5S Japanese methodology?
A. Set
B. Sort
C. Shine
D. Standardize
3. What SEITON stands for in the 5S Japanese methodology for work place organization?
A. Set
B. Sort
C. Shine
D. Standardize
4. What SEISO stands for in the 5S Japanese methodology for work place organization?
A. Set
B. Sort
C. Shine
D. Standardize
5. What SEIKETSU stands for in the 5S Japanese methodology for work place organization?
A. Set
B. Sort
C. Shine
D. Standardize
6. What term is used to distinguish the needed items from the unneeded items and eliminate in 5S concept?
A. Set
B. Sort
C. Shine
D. Standardize
7. What term is used to keep needed items in the correct place to allow for easy and immediate retrieval in 5S concept?
A. Set
B. Sort
C. Shine
D. Standardize
8. What term is used to keep the workplace neat and clear in 5S concept?
A. Set
B. Sort
C. Shine
D. Standardize
9. What is the color code of bins for paper wastage?
A. Blue
B. Yellow
C. Red
D. Green
10 What is the colour code of bins for plastic wastage?
A. Blue
B. Black
C. Yellow
D. Sky blue