Please answer the question correctly in the box mentioned below:
1. Which type of tool used to make an accurate witness marking?
A. Pin punch
B. Solid punch
C. Prick punch
D. Hollow punch
2. Which type of punch used to make a holes on the sheet metal?
A. Pin punch
B. Solid punch
C. Prick punch
D. Hollow punch
3. How many pin punches are available in a set?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
4. Which type of chisel used for separating metals after chain drilling?
A. Flat chisel
B. Web chisel
C. Diamond chisel
D. Cross cut chisel
5. Which type of chisel used to remove materials from internal corners for squaring?
A. Flat chisel
B. Web chisel
C. Cross cut chisel
D. Diamond point chisel
6. Which is used to protect the eyes while grinding the job?
A. Mask
B. Apron
C. Glows
D. Goggles7. What
is the point angle of chisel for chipping of copper? A. 30° B.
45° C. 50° D. 60° 8. Which
tool is used for striking purposes? A. Chisel B. Punch C. Wrench D.
Hammer 9. What
is the correct way of holding hammer for obtaining maximum leverage? A.
At the end of the handle B. At the middle of the handle C. Close to the hammer head D. Between middle and end of handle 10. What
is the purpose of holding hammer handle at the end? A. Have proper grip B. Avoid injury to hand C.
Have maximum leverage D. Avoid damage to work piece