Kindly mention the answer in the box mentioned below:
1. What is the correct way of holding hammer for obtaining
maximum leverage?
A At the end of the handle
B At the middle of the handle
C Close to the hammer head
D Between middle and end of handle
2. What is the purpose of holding hammer handle at the
A Have proper grip
B Avoid injury to hand
C Have maximum leverage
D Avoid damage to work piece
3. What is the name of marked ‘X’ portion of hammer
shown in figure?
A Sledge hammer
B Ball pein hammer
C Cross pein hammer
D Straight pein hammer
4 What is the name of the hammer shown in figure?
A Lead
B Brass
C Mallet
D Plastic
5 What is the other name of the mallet?
A Soft hammer
B Hard hammer
C Ball peen hammer
D Cross peen hammer
6 Name the mallet used for shaping the hemispherical
bow shown in figure?
A Bossing mallet
B End faked mallet
C Hard rubber mallet
D Standard wooden mallet
7 Which type of screw driver used in blind space?
A Offset
B Phillips
C Electrician
D Stumpy
8 What is the name of a workshop tool shown in figure?
A Puller
B Clamp
C Fixture
D Valve spring compressor
9 Which hammer is used for riveting purpose?
A Lead hammer
B Brass hammer
C Plastic hammer
D Ball pein hammer
10 Which tool provides multi contact on bolts and nuts for
A Hook spanner
B ‘C’ spanner
C Open end spanner
D Ring / box spanner