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synthesis of 2-bromovalerophenone

synthesis of 2-bromovalerophenone

by jacob watts - Number of replies: 0

Information on the synthesis of 2-bromovalerophenone (CAS number 1009-14-9) can be found on bbgate.com at 1009-14-9 synthesis

This page presents various methods for the synthesis of 2-bromovalerophenone. One of them involves the use of an alkylation reaction with bromine acetate.

In this method, the starting compound is sodium 2-bromovalerophenonate, which can be prepared by reacting 2-bromovalerophenone with sodium methylate (CH3ONa) in a reaction mixture containing a solvent such as ether or tetrahydrofuran (THF). As a result of the reaction, sodium 2-bromovalerophenonate is formed.

Sodium 2-bromovalerophenonate is then reacted with bromine acetate in the presence of a catalyst such as rhodium chloride under heating. As a result of the alkylation reaction, bromine acetate replaces sodium, forming 2-bromovalerophenone.

The resulting 2-bromovalerophenone can be recovered from the reaction mixture and purified using various methods such as filtration, crystallization or chromatography.

The synthesis of 2-bromovalerophenone (1009-14-9) is an important step in the production of various organic compounds and can be used in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, as well as for scientific purposes in chemical research.