Kindly answer the questions in the box mentioned below
1 What is the name of part
shown in figure?
A Union
B Reducer
C Coupling
D Eccentric reducer
2 Which type of pipe fitting used to closing a pipe line?
A Cap
B Plug
C Union
D Elbow
3 What is the name of part marked
‘X’ in shown figure?
A Handle
B Tripod stand
C Inside former
D Pipe stop lever
4 What is the name of part
marked ‘X’ in shown figure?
A Lever
B Pipe guide
C Inner former
D Adjusting screw
5 Which is used for connect two or more different sizes of tubular pipe fitting?
A Lever
B Pipe guide
C Inner former
D Adjusting screw
6 Which is used for connect two or more different sizes of tubular pipe fitting?
A Caps
B Plug
C Union
D Pipe nipples