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Kindly answer the questions in the box mentioned below:

1. Name the technique to justify the text around the picture.

A Position

B Square

C Tight

D Through


2. Foot note and end note is to provide ...

A caption

B heading

C equation

D comments


3. Which tab is used for proofing the document?

A View tab

B Reference

C Review tab

D Page layout


4. In MS word, caption is used to ...

A view the label

B insert end note

C delete comments

D insert the labelled information


5. Which view helps to view the document which looks as in website?

A Review

B Web view

C Print View

D Web layout


6. In Ms word, on which tab, the different document view appears?

A View

B Layout

C Review

D Reference


7. How do you view multiple documents at a time?

A Zoom section

B Switch window

C Window section

D Show/hide section


8. By which option, the user can compare two or more documents simultaneously?

A Arrange all

B View side by side

C Switch windows

D Split


9. In MS word, view side by side option of window group is used to ...

A quick view

B share the screen

C arrange the documents

D compare the documents


10. What is the shortcut key to add or remove 6pts of spacing before a paragraph?

A Ctrl+6(six)

B Ctrl+0(zero)

C Ctrl+O(letter O)

D Ctrl+D(letter D)