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Kindly answer the questions in the box mentioned below: 

1. Which parts of hair structure get affected while giving permanent waving  ?

a.  Cuticle and cortex

b. Medulla and bulb

c. Cuticle and gland

d. Papillary layer

2. Which are the side bonds break by water ?

a. Peptide bonds

b. Sulphur bonds

c. Hydrogen bonds

d. Polypeptide bonds


3. Which type of hair needs minimum  processing time ?

a. Bleached hair

b. Colored hair

c. Fine hair

d. Coarse hair


4. What is put on to protect the client's cloths before permanent weaving ?

a. Towel and plastic cape

b. Towel and cloth cape

c. Neck strip and plastic cape

d. Cloth cape and plastic cape


5. Which is the main element of perm lotion ?

a. Ammonium thioglycolate

b. Thioglycolic acid

c. Ammonia

d. Hydrogen Peroxide


6. Why end papers are used in perming ?

a. To protect hair strand

b. To wrap the strand

c. To soak the lotion

d. To protect ends


7. How many part of are divided into a single halo wrap ?

a. Five

b. Six

c. Seven

d. Nine


8. How physical change is given in perming treatment ?

a. By rod

b. By cotton

c. By cream

d. By hairspray


9. When the perming processing time is determines ?

a. After rod application

b. After sectioning

c. After shampoo

d. After blocking


10. In which conditions salt bond break easily ?

a. Heat

b. Water

c. Changes in pH

d. Humidity