Write the answer correctly in the box
mentioned below
1. What is the use of a cold chisel?
A Filing
B Scraping
C Marking
D Chipping
2. Which metal is used to make a chisel?
A Stainless steel
B Low carbon steel
C Medium carbon steel
D High carbon steel or chrome vanadium steel
3. What is the name of the chisel shown in figure?
A Flat chisel
B Half round nose chisel
C Cross cut chisel
D Diamond point chisel
4. What is the use of an ordinary depth gauge?
A measure thickness
B Measure depth of slots
C Measure internal diametre
D Measure external diametre
5. What type of work is carried out using cross cut chisel?
A Cutting slots
B Cutting oil grooves
C Separating metals after chain drilling
D Squaring materials at the corners
6. What is the use of a diamond point chisel?
A Cutting slots
B Cutting keyways
C Cutting oil grooves
D Squaring materials at the corners
7. What is the use of web chisel?
A Cutting slots
B Cutting keyways
C Squaring materials at the corners
D Separating metals after chain drilling
8. What is the point angle of a chisel while cutting in mild steel?
A 60°
B 55°
C 65°
D 45°