Kindly answer the question correctly in the box mentioned below
1. Which tools are convenient to remove a stud broken very near to the surface?
A Fire and spanner
B Chisel and hammer
C Screw driver and hammer
D Prick punch and hammer
2. What is the size of blind hole to be drilled in the surface of broken stud for it’s removal using a square punch?
A Hole diameter equal to stud diameter
B Hole diameter is 1/4 of stud diameter
C Hole diameter is 3/4 of stud diameter
D Hole diameter is half of the stud diameter
3. What is the reason for the breakage of a bolt or stud?
A Improper lubrication to threads
B Overheating of part to which stud is fitted
C Excessive torque is applied to the stud nut
D Lock tight solution not applied during fitment
4. To remove the broken studs left hand turn by using...
A Pipe wrench
B Allen wrench
C Stud extractors
D Stud screw driver