Choose the correct answer and write the answer in the box mentioned below
1. Which of the following is extension of WordPad?
A .ppt
B .xls
C .rtf
D .wpd
2. Which of the following is extension of notepad?
A .txt
B .bmp
C .ppt
D .xls
3. What is the extension of paint brush?
A .pbs
B .bmp
C .pmb
D .pbh
4. Which is not executable file?
A .com
B .exe
C .bat
D .txt
5. Windows displays various options to close. Which is suitable at the end of day?
A Shut Down
B Restart
C Sleep
D Hibernate
6. Which of the following option is suitable after you install new drivers?
A Shut Down
B Restart
C Sleep
D Hibernate
7. Which of the following is not essential to shut down your computer?
A Save all opened files
B Close all running applications
C Switch off monitor
D Cut off the power supply
8. The date and time of the system displays on
A Taskbar
B Status bar
C System tray
D Launch pad
9. In a computer, pressing and releasing left mouse button quickly is called
A clicking
B dropping
C pointing
D dragging
10. Software can be removed and installed through
A control panel
B installer
C debugger
D linker