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Choose the correct answer and write the same in the box mentioned below

1. Which material is used to make a scriber?

A. Mild steel

B. High speed steel

C. High carbon steel

D. Medium carbon steel


3. What is the use of divider?

A. Marking lines

B. Scribing lines

C. Scribing circles

D. Punching witness marks


4. Which one of the following is served as datum?

A. Steel rule

B. Marking table

C. Try square

D. Outside caliper


5. How the size of the divider is specified?

A. Distance from the point to the leg

B. Distance between two legs when fully opened

C. Distance from the point to the bottom of the fulcrum

D. Distance from the point to the center of the fulcrum roller (pivot)


6. Which punch mark is used make to seat the divider point?

A. Pin punch mark

B. Dot punch mark of 60°

C. Prick punch mark of 30°

D. Centre punch mark of 90°


7. Which is used to sharpen the divider points?

A. File

B. Bench grinder

C. Oil stone

D. Tool and cutter grinder

8. Which datum is shown in figure?

 A. Line datum

B. Edge datum

C. Point datum

D. Centre line datum