Choose the correct answer and write same in the box mentioned below:
1. What is the least count of vernier caliper in metric?
A 0.1 mm
B 0.5 mm
C 0.02 mm
D 0.01 mm
2. Which part of the vernier caliper is used to set the
What is the shape of dial in a vernier bevel protractor?
A Square
B Triangular
C Circular
D Rectangular
3. Which part is fitted for clear reading of the graduations
in a vernier bevel protractor?
A Dial
B Vernier scale
C Disc
D Magnifying glass
4. What is the value of one main scale division in a vernier
bevel protractor?
A 1 degree
B 2 degree
C 5 minutes
D 0.5 degree
5. Vernier slide in any position on the beam?
A Beam
B Thumb lever
C Vernier scale
D Movable jaw
6. Which is the integral part of vernier scale in vernier
A Fixed jaw
B Depth bar
C Thumb lever
D Movable jaw
7. What is the value of one vernier scale division in a
vernier bevel protractor?
A 116 minutes
B 118 minutes
C 115 minutes
D 117 minutes
8. How many degrees are graduated on the circumference
of disc of vernier bevel protractor?
A 90°
B 180°
C 360°
D 270°